
We have received the great commission to spread revival fire across the world and bring in the End-Time Harvest. This is the time where we have tremendous opportunities to reach out and preach the gospel. God is moving and doing great and mighty things all over the globe. Our last Crusade in Congo counted 300 salvations.


One of Abed-Nego and Kamla’s passion is to see people of all ages receive Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. “Everywhere we go, we’ve seen the Lord doing incredible things; people are obviously hungry for a move of the Holy Spirit”.


Now, more than ever, communities need hope and children need joy. Through like-minded ministries and organizations, we are helping to share God’s tangible love through community outreach.

With your help, we’ve been able to deliver aid through (groceries, gift cards and much-needed supplies).

Project “M25”

The Matthew 25 initiative (M25), is a direct response to the overwhelming number of homeless individuals on the streets of Baltimore. On a given night, studies show that Baltimore counts over 1,596 homeless individuals.

We are the light of the world in the midst of darkness. God has called us to be the hands and feet of Jesus Christ. We are in high expectation of a great move of the Holy Spirit; changing the hearts and minds of his people.

If you would like to be the hands and feet of Jesus and help us share this love of Christ with the homeless community partner with us.


By God’s grace and your generosity we’ve been able to reach 4 nations with the gospel.

None of this success would be possible without God and generous donors like you. Thank you again for your commitment and kindness.”

We have a lot of work to do, and your support helps us get that important work done.”

Investing in souls is the best investment you will ever make.

“‘Use your worldly resources to benefit others and to make friends. In this way your generosity stores up a reward for you in heaven’” (Luke 16:9 NLT).